History of logo

History of logo

History of logo

Regarded as one of the most powerful trademarks in the industry today, Santam’s yellow umbrella symbolises the all-encompassing cover and peace of mind that have become synonymous with the brand.

The umbrella was originally created specifically for the launch of the Santam Multiplex policy in 1974. However, it fast became a more recognised symbol than the official corporate logo, which at the time comprised interlinked chains. A new logo was designed in 1981 which combined the umbrella and the Santam name.

This logo was retained with the acquisition of Guardian National in 1999, but soon thereafter received a fresh makeover — a slightly bigger, more modern umbrella against a blue background, with the aim to communicate improved cover and ultimate peace of mind. The dot which replaced the handle symbolised technological progression.

santam logo
santam logo
santam logo
santam logo
santam logo